Other PhD organisations

Other organisations where PhD students are explicitly organised or represented:

Stockholm PhDs (STHLMPhDs)

Stockholm PhDs is an initiative aims at creating a collaborative platform for Stockholm’s doctoral students to exchange experiences and collaborate. The initiative conceived by KTH PhD chapter on 18/8/18 initially with KI Doctoral Association and SU Central Doctoral Council.  In 2019 SSE PhD club and SöderS Central Doctoral Council joined the initiative.
You can read our collaboration charter draft and follow us at facebook: fb.me/STHLMPhDs

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers – Doctoral Candidate Association (SDF)

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF)’s Doctoral Candidate Association is the PhD section of SULF. SDF works towards monitoring labor issues, employment terms, admissions, equality, the post-doctorate labor market and the quality of the PhD education. SDF works closely with other national bodies such as Swedish National Union of Students -Doctoral Committee (SFS-DK).

Swedish National Union of Students -Doctoral Committee (SFS-DK)

The Swedish National Union of Students (Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer, SFS), is an umbrella organisation of students’ unions at higher education facilities in Sweden. It has around 64 affiliated students’ unions, gathering around 270,000 students (2007). The organisation works to represent the interest of its members on a national level, towards the Government, the Swedish Parliament, the political parties and the government agencies concerned with higher education. The doctoral committee within SFS (SFS-DK), is the committee concerned with doctoral and research questions. SFS-DK is also active on the international arena, particularly a member of Eurodoc.


Eurodoc is the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. It is an international federation of 29 national organisations of PhD candidates, and more generally of young researchers from 28 countries of the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Eurodoc’s objectives are:

  • To represent doctoral candidates and junior researchers at the European level in matters of education, research, and professional development of their careers.
  • To advance the quality of doctoral programmes and the standards of research activity in Europe.
  • To promote the circulation of information on issues regarding young researchers; organize events, take part in debates and assist in the elaboration of policies about Higher Education and Research in Europe.
  • To establish and promote co-operation between national associations representing doctoral candidates and junior researchers within Europe.

Eurodoc was founded in Girona (Spain) on 02/02/02. Since 2005, Eurodoc has its seat in Brussels, Belgium.
