Fika with the PhD Chapter

Bring your fika of choice and socialize with other PhD students! A great opportunity to ask questions to our board members if you are considering applying for any positions in the upcoming elections. Please sign up so that we can send you the Zoom-link:

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Call for PhD Chapter meeting – Virtual Meeting with Elections

The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the fourth chapter meeting of the operational year 2019/20.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, this will be a virtual Chapter meeting conducted through Zoom. More technical details about the meeting will be posted together with the agenda.

It will be held Wednesday 27th of May at 17:15. Please sign up using this link:

During this Chapter meeting, we will have elections and by-elections for several positions on the Chapter board and Chapter functionaries:

Chapter Board:
Chairperson (board member) – July 2020 – June 2021
Webmaster (board member) – July 2020 – June 2021
Workgroups Manager (board member) – July 2020 – June 2021
Event Manager (board member) – July 2020 – June 2021
Education Manager (board member) – July 2020 – June 2021
Communication Manager (board member)* – July 2020 – December 2020 (by-election)
Council Coordinator (board member)* – July 2020 – December 2020 (by-election)

(*given resignation is approved)

Chapter Functionaries:
Master of Ceremonies (one of two positions) – July 2020 – June 2021
Nominating Committee Members (1-2 positions) – July 2020 – December 2020 (by-election)

To learn more about the roles, take a look at candidacy profiles and please apply to any position you are interested in through this link: The deadline to apply is Sunday 17th of May and interviews will be held May 20 – 22.

Read more …
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Virtual AW with the PhD Chapter, Friday 24/4 at 17:17

We have moved the traditional PhD Pub to Zoom

If you are in the mood to see some familiar faces, for some casual socializing or even discussing the effects of the changes in our daily schedules to our research schedules and how to stay on top of the increasing pressure with fellow PhD students. Come join us ​on Friday 24/4 at 17:17! Please sign up using this form and we will send you the Zoom-link:

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Gathering thoughts, feedback and concerns regarding the COVID-19 situation

Dear PhD students at KTH,

We are getting some questions and reports of concerns and issues, that have arisen due to the COVID-19 situation. We like to gather all of those in one place. We have, therefore, in a similar manner to what THS has already done (but they focused solely on courses, directed at students), constructed a survey to collect input from PhD students. The PhD Chapter would like every PhD student at KTH to be able to express concerns and give feedback so that we can also raise the issues and questions in higher instances at KTH, as part of our continuing dialogue.

Please take a couple of minutes to express how the COVID-19 situation has impacted your PhD studies by filling out this survey:

Some of you might be getting different/new work tasks and are helping out with the transition to digital education. In light of that, the PhD Chapter encourages all PhD students to keep a log on how much time you spend on departmental duties (with short descriptions on what the time was spent on). By doing so, it will be easier for you to report the time, and, if needed, make changes to the prognosis. Please also note that according to Högskoleförordningen, a PhD student is allowed to spend a maximum of 20% on departmental duties, talk to your supervisor/director of studies if you feel you might exceed that.

We also, once again, like to remind you to keep updated on the information given by KTH which is updated very frequently:

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40 years of representing PhD students at KTH!

Today is the PhD Chapter’s 40th birthday!

Happy Birthday to us and a thank you to all PhD students who in any way have been engaged in the PhD Chapter during all these years! We look forward to many more years to come!

Even if we in the PhD Chapter board wanted to give you all a slice of cake to celebrate, this picture of a cake will have to do for now. We look forward to a time when we can welcome you back to our chapter hall T-centralen, and have a “Birthday pub”, but sadly that will not be today.

Just because you now use your own coffee machines, don’t forget that you can still socialize, have a coffee break and talk to your colleagues. We know some departments have already set up virtual “Fika-rooms” and you can of course do that too. If you have an idea about a virtual event you would like to host, don’t hesitate to send us an email and we might be able to help.

As a student and employee of KTH, you can use Zoom to host virtual meetings (also more informal ones, such a fika-break meeting), you can read more about it here:…/work-onli…/webbmoten-zoom/zoom-1.893273

Lastly, stay updated on the Corona-situation, the information is updated frequently:

KTH’s information:…/angaende-det-nya-coronaviruset-covid…
THS’s information:

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