PhD Event – KTH Innovation: Research & commercialization

Hope you haven’t missed that we are hosting an event together with KTH Innovation this Thursday.

Research & commercialization – How to have time for both.
As a PhD student, you already have many of the traits that make a good entrepreneur. But a day only has 24 hours, and your research and personal life already makes your schedule quite busy. Is it possible to do a PhD at KTH and commercialize your research results at the same time?

KTH Innovation will come by T-centralen to talk time management, how you can create impact in society by commercializing your research, and how they can support you in managing both research and entrepreneurship without hitting that infamous wall. We will also hear from a PhD student who has started a spinoff company from their research.

For more information, please visit:

To be sure that you will get some food at the event, please sign up at this link before 12:00 today (Monday the 12th of November):

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Prince Daniel’s Fellowship inspires KTH-students to become entrepreneurs

Are you dreaming about starting your own company, or are you just about to start? Regardless of which, Prince Daniel’s Fellowship wants to inspire and support you to take the next step in starting your own company!

Prince Daniel’s Fellowship will visit KTH during the 21st of November to inspire students to become entrepreneurs. During the visit, Prince Daniel and the participating entrepreneurs Jacob de Geer, Susanne Najafi and Nami Zarringhalam will tell you about their experiences of running companies.

Where: F2, Lindstedtsvägen 26

When: 21 November, 13.15-14.30

For whom: Students at KTH, all levels

Register here:

Organizer: KTH Innovation

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PhD Event: Game Night

Hope you haven’t missed that there is another Game Night tonight in the Chapter Hall, TC.

There will be an assortment of board games available but if there is any special game you want to play you can bring that along as well!

The doors open at 17:17 tonight, Thursday the 1st of November. Address: Drottning Kristinas väg 29.

For more information, go to the event at Facebook

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December elections

Do you:
– like to engage and network with other doctoral students and faculty outside your immediate research?
– like to work with challenging and interesting issues beyond the scope of your own self?
– care for your fellow doctoral students social life and welfare?
– like to positively impact your education policy, beyond the scope of yourself?
– have a capacity to speak out for the interest of your fellow doctoral students and the standing of KTH in research and education?
– like to hone your organisational and leadership skills through experiencing the world of academia behind the scenes?
If you’ve answered any of the above with a Yes, then join us and be part of the chapter and/or member of the council at your own school!

If you’re at  CBH or EECS school, follow-up with and respectively.

If you’re at ABE/ITM/SCI Schools, then apply to join.

Vacancies: council chairperson, vice chairperson, council members. Council members can take functionary roles (social responsible) or representational role (e.g. representative at the programme or specialisation or department or unit/division, doctoral education council, school’s executive committee, recruitment/appointment/promotion committees, school’s strategic councils, safety/equality/sustainability committees.)

Pre-requisites: Being an active PhD student on January 2019.

– Being a member of the student union,
– Workload of at least 5 days a semester. This workload can be time compensated subject to different school-level conventions.
– Attending meetings with council member and be communicative with the PhD chapter board, THS and KTH within the capacity of your representational role.

Application: The application is considered valid if it was filled via the form at the end of this page. Alternatively, you can download, fill this Application form and send it to nominations [at] A person can nominate someone else, but then the nominee must accept the nomination before it is considered valid. If you have further questions please email nominations [at] . The deadline for application is Dec 7th at midnight.

Election: The nominees will be elected as per their school affiliations as follows: ABE 11th/Dec kl17:17, ITM 17th/Dec kl17:17, SCI 18th/Dec kl17:17. Fika served from 17:00. Location: chapter hall (T-centralen), Drottning Kristinas väg 29. Election of chapter vacancies will be on 10th/Dec kl18:18.

Curios to learn more?
– PhD student representatives are entitled for time compensation according to the policies: Dnr930-2005-0345 (school level), DnrV-2016-0451  (central and national level)
– The PhD Chapter and PhD school councils are guided by the PhD Chapter Statutes and PhD Chapter Bylaws and subject to THS statutes and bylawes.
Brief guide on PhD students representation
PhD Chapter workshop

Greetings from the nomination team and chapter board,
Robin, Tage, Kateryna, Fangkai, Amanda and Harsha

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Apply to NII International Internship Program for informatics research visits in Tokyo

As PhD-candidate or master student at KTH you have an opportunity to be guest researcher at the leading institute for informatics in Japan

The National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo has identified KTH as a prioritized partner institution and has therefore decided to award grants for up to 3 persons from KTH per year for the coming years. Master students and PhD-students at KTH are eligible.

Students are encouraged to find a supervising professor at NII and then write a Letter of Motivation. The Letter should be sent to Assoc.Prof.  Atsuto Maki,, who is coordinating this program at KTH. Do that before November 2nd. Then the applications will be ranked.

The interns should arrive to NII before March 15th, 2019.

The grant will cover living costs during the internship for between 2 and 6 months (5,700 yen per day). It can be possible to stay even longer but then without funding.
NII also offers some courses during the year taught in English that visiting students can take.

The final nomination for KTH is done by vice president Stefan Östlund.
The nominees should then apply to NII before their deadline on Nov. 7th.


NII is an extremely strong research institution. It is the only national institute in the area of computer science with 76 permanent professors and also many visiting professors. NII also offers PhD-programmes. The institute is located in central Tokyo.



Information about the scholarship programme:

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