After Work för dig på KTH

Photo Of A Toast

Tisdagen den 29:e januari mellan 16.30–19.00 är det dags för nästa mingel för alla KTH-anställda, doktorander, post doc och forskare. Ta med dig ett glatt humör och viljan att lära känna nån ny, alt fördjupa en redan god bekantskap.

On Tuesday Jan 29th at 16.30-19.00 we once again welcome KTH staff members, PhDs, post doc and scientists to a mingle.

Please bring a smile and plan to make one or two new acquaintances.

The price is 50SEK/person

Vegetarian soup and bread for everyone!

The location is Kröken, Kårhuset, Drottning Kristinas väg 15

Seats are limited and you need to register in advance, no later than Jan 28th.

When you register, you may choose swish (preferred) or pay on the spot, with a credit card.

Please note that we do not accept cash!

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PhD Winter Chapter Meeting (SM) Agenda

As promised, here is the agenda for the chapter meeting next Monday!

Chapter Meeting Agenda 20181210

Don’t forget to sign up so that you also get food after the meeting. Please sign up here by the 9th of December:

For more information about the meeting, check out our post about the call for the meeting:

If you want to get engaged, now is the perfect time! For more information about elections, check out our last post:

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Elections during the Winter Chapter Meeting

During the chapter meeting the 10th of December, elections will be held for the following posts:

Standard bearer – 1 position to be occupied from 2019.01.01 to 2019.12.31;
Vice standard bearer – 1 position to be occupied from 2019.01.01 to 2019.12.31;
Nominating committee members – from 3 to 5 positions to be occupied from 2019.01.01 to 2019.12.31;

There will also be a by-election for the following post:
Additional Auditor – 1 position to be occupied from 2019.01.01 to 2019:06.30

If you are interested in applying or if you want to nominate someone, please email the board at by the 9th of December.

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Call for PhD Winter Chapter Meeting (SM)

The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the winter chapter meeting.

It will be held in the chapter hall at Drottning Kristinas Väg 29 on the 10th of December at 18:18. And since this is close to Christmas, there will be a Christmas theme in the meeting. After the meeting is finished, everyone is invited to gather for a free Christmas dinner. Please sign up by the 9th of December in order to get food:

More information and the agenda will be posted at the PhD Chapter website at least 4 working days before the meeting.

It can be found here

Feel free to contact the board at if you have any questions about the meeting or if there is anything you would like to bring up during the meeting.

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PhD Event: Game Night

The PhD Board once more welcomes guests to a Game Night in the Chapter Hall, TC.

There will be some games available:
Carcassonne (With the expansion traders and builders)
Bang! Dice game

If there is any special game you want to play you can bring that along as well!

The doors open at 17:17 on Wednesday, the 21st of November. Address: Drottning Kristinas väg 29.

P.S. If you have any questions about the event, or if you have an idea for another event, you can contact the hosts of the evening at

For more information, go to the event at Facebook

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