PhD Chapter Meeting Agenda

As promised, here is the agenda for the chapter meeting next Friday!

Chapter meeting agenda 20191018

During the meeting we will serve some snacks, please sign up here in order to make sure you get some.

For more information about the meeting, check out our post about the call for the meeting:

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The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the first chapter meeting of the operational year 2019/20.

It will be held in the Chapter hall at Drottning Kristinas Väg 29 on Friday October 18th at 17:00. (The meeting will start 17:17, feel free to arrive a couple of minutes early to get some snacks). RSVP on Facebook here.

All you have to do is to sign up here and to come by. Read more…

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Some final words from the Chairperson 18/19

Robin Palmberg -Chairperson 18/19, Photo taken by Milan Jocevski

I would like to take this opportunity to say some final words during my last hour as chairperson for this chapter.

It has been a fantastic year, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be the chairperson of this wonderful chapter during this period! Read more…

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PhD Chapter Meeting Agenda

As promised, here is the agenda for the chapter meeting next Monday!

Chapter Meeting Agenda 20190603

It will be held in the chapter hall at Drottning Kristinas Väg 29 on the 3rd of June at 18:18 Read more…

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Call for PhD chapter meeting and Summer Party Invitation

The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the second chapter meeting of 2019.

It will be held in the chapter hall at Drottning Kristinas Väg 29 on the 3rd of June at 18:18.

After the meeting, we will have the PhD Summer Party! Sign up to the meeting and the party here (See deadline in the form):

During this chapter meeting, we will elect several positions. Please apply to any position you are interested in through this link:

More information and the agenda will be posted at the PhD Chapter website at least 4 working days before the meeting.

Feel free to contact the board at if you have any questions about the meeting or if there is anything you would like to bring up during the meeting. Motions should be sent to the board in written form (to before 17:00 on the 24th of May. Template for the Motions can be found here:

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