EECS PhD Student Council

EECS PhD student council is PhD chapter offical body for PhD students in the educational programs within EECS school at KTH. EECS PhD school council gets its legitimacy from the PhD chapter/THS and acquires henceforth a legitimate representational status for the school’s PhD students therewith.

EECS PhD council is guided by the PhD Chapter Statutes, Bylaws and working directives and subject to THS statutes and bylaws.

As per PhD chapter by-laws, the objectives of a PhD Student Council are to promote more effective and higher quality PhD education and research, to promote a stimulating working environment and to improve the general conditions for the PhD students, at the given KTH School. A PhD Student Council shall work towards a greater unity and fellowship among the PhD students at the given and shall maintain good contacts with the PhD Chapter members working centrally at KTH or at the other KTH Schools.

As per PhD chapter by-laws, the objectives of a PhD Student Council are to promote more effective and higher quality PhD education and research, to promote a stimulating working environment
and to improve the general conditions for the PhD students, at the given KTH School.
A PhD Student Council shall work towards a greater unity and fellowship among the
PhD students at the given and shall maintain good contacts with the PhD Chapter
members working centrally at KTH or at the other KTH Schools.

A PhD Student Council activities shall cover students in all the educational programs of the given school at postgraduate level.

EECS Council Board

Jura Miniota (CS)Chairperson
Shiting Long (CS)Vice Chairperson
Simon Gökstorp (CS)Board Member
Mert Mermerci (CS) Member
Henrik Johansson (EE) Member
Hannah Kühn (CS)Member
Wenyin Zhou (CS) Member
Frank Tsz Kiu Wong Chan (EE) Member
Jordi Altayó Gonzalez (ICT) Member
Xavier Weiss (EE)  Member
Alejandro Penacho Riveiros (EE) Member


Xiaolin LiuComputer Science
Enno BreukelmanElectrical Engineering
Pedro de Melo AntunesInformation and Communication Tech.
VacantMediated Communication
eecs-chair@dr.kth.seCouncil Chair
eecs-vicechair@dr.kth.seVice Chair
eecs-presidium@dr.kth.sePresidium (i.e., Chair and Vice Chair)
eecs-board@dr.kth.seAll board members
eecs-pad@dr.kth.seRepresentatives in PhD Program
eecs-ff@dr.kth.seRepresentatives in Future Faculty Program (not active)
eecs-social@dr.kth.seSocial Activities
eecs-council@dr.kth.seAll council members, including board, representatives and functionaries.
