Category Archives: Announcement

Elections for nominating committee

At the PhD Chapter extra meeting on February 14th, it has been decided to delegate elections of further members of the PhD Chapter nominating committee (composed of max five members) to the board meeting on February 28th. Therefore nominations are … Continue reading

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Committee for Kamratstipendiet 2017

The Committee for Kamratstipendiet 2017 is now composed of 4 members: Annaclaudia Montanino, Omar Shafqat, Abdullah Khan and Seyed Arash Safavi Nick. It works from February 14th 2017 (election date) until April 5th 2017 to elect 1, 2 or 3 winners for Kamratpriset 2017. … Continue reading

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Do you like to improve your research writing skills by participating in a 10-day 3.0-credits course from an entirely different perspective?

Karolinska Institute offers KTH PhD students an opportunity to participate in Scientific Writing courses.  The course consists of two parts: scientific writing and popular science writing. The focus is on scientific writing (manuscript, abstract and poster). The popular science writing … Continue reading

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Vote for your Student Union Council Representative

The Student Union Council (KF) is now electing the new representatives. The PhD Chapter is electing 2 candidates who need your votes. 🙂 Vote for your Student Union Council Representative here! The voting period ends on October 12th.

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