PhD Chapter Summer Meeting
Our summer meeting is happening on May 30th, 2024, at the PhD Chapter Hall (Drottning Kristinas väg 29). You can register here here until May 30th for food.
What is the PhD Chapter Meeting? It’s a place where the PhD Chapter Board and the PhD school councils (i.e., all of your representatives) report their activities to all PhD students, vote on motions and discuss issues that concern doctoral students.
I have no idea of how any of this works, can I join the meeting? Yes, of course! We always try to be very inclusive and all members can (and should) voice their opinion, which will be respected and eventually debated. If you come unprepared, this can be very boring at first but you might eventually see many interesting ideas and get to know awesome people who are concerned about third-cycle issues at KTH. It is a tradition of the PhD Chapter to discuss a lot. We’re researchers, after all.
I want to contribute somehow to the PhD Chapter, what do I need to do? We have our elections twice a year and some of the positions will be vacant, so feel free to nominate yourself next time! You can also reach to the school councils and tell them you can help with duties, they will be more than happy with your participation! Our school councils, for example, always need help for people to take part into meetings for recruitment of professors or promotion meetings.
Most of our activities are time compensated, which means that you get the same amount of time back in your study at the end of the contract.
What is the language of the meeting? All discussions are held in English, this applies also for the meetings in the school councils and within the Chapter Board.
Do I need to be a THS member to come? All PhD students are welcome to discuss and talk regardless of being THS members or not, but only THS members (i.e., you paid the annual fee to THS) will be able to vote in eventual motions or any decision points.
What is the agenda for this meeting? The detailed agenda will be posted in our website up to four days before the meeting. However, the high-level is that we will report our activities, vote on motions, plan for the next elections, and then there will be major topics on third-level educational quality and structural issues that affect doctoral students.
Can I submit a motion or a discussion point for agenda? Sure, both of them you need to submit up to five days before the Chapter Meeting date to this e-mail.
Why do you ask my food preferences in the form? It’s a tradition that we serve dinner after (or during) the Chapter Meeting, and we usually have good food!
Q&A with Candidates
The Nominating Committee is proudly to announce that we will be hosting a hybrid Q&A session with the candidates where you get to ask any questions or discuss any issues with the candidates for the upcoming PhD Chapter Board. We will also serve some wraps during this meeting in a first-come, first-served basis.
- What: Q&A session with the candidates
- When: Friday, 24th, from 12.00 to 13.00
- Where: Room V11 (Teknikringen 72, 3rd floor)
- Zoom link:
Voting in our elections!
Elections are close! It’s time to vote on the candidates you want to represent you in the PhD Chapter. To vote, you need to log in to VoteIT platform with your KTH account. You can learn more about the steps in this guide!
If you were listed as a member of the PhD Chapter as of the 1st May 2024, hereinafter referred to as ‘cutoff date’, you have been added to THS online voting system VoteIT.
1. Go to and click on ‘Log in Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår’

2. Select ‘Email’ as the login method and enter your KTH email, you do not need to register. Please enter the one that is registered with THS, some have their KTH email alias. You will receive a unique password in your email where you can input there. Alternatively, you can login using the KTH SAML system that is available on the “External” tab.
3. On May 23rd you will see ‘PhD Chapter Summer Elections 2024’ under ongoing meetings when logged in. You might need to “Accept” the invitation for that meeting before accessing it. Select that and reach the Summer Elections.

4. Now, you will see the following page.

5. Select one of the available items in the agenda. On the right side, you will see the ongoing poll for that position. Press that.
6. IMPORTANT: PLEASE SELECT ONE OPTION AMONG THE ONES IN THE AGENDA; if you don’t want to vote, please select ABSTAIN if it’s available.

6. Repeat the same process for all positions. If you do not see any more proposals open for voting, it means you have completed the poll. You can either review your votes or close the window.
If there are any questions or technical difficulties, please email with the Subject: Issues with VoteIT.