Report of Survey Results

At the end of last year (November -December 2019) the PhD Chapter sent out a survey to all doctoral students at KTH who had a study activity and a valid email address registered in LADOK at that time. The PhD Chapter board now proudly presents our report on the results (from 595 respondents) along with some recommendations on how to work with the identified issues.

The data is divided per school on each of the questions, to allow for comparisons. The survey consisted of 35 questions structured into 9 sections regarding:

  1. Background of respondents
  2. Individual study plan
  3. Departmental duties
  4. Supervision
  5. Courses
  6. Stress and well-being
  7. HR and administration support
  8. Overall evaluation of doctoral studies at KTH
  9. Work of the PhD Chapter

You find the full report with results and recommendations here.

We would also once again like to thank everyone who filled out the survey and thereby contributed to valuable input to both the PhD Chapter and KTH, many thanks!


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