Visit to Skansen on December 24th

Are you interested in knowing more about Swedish history and culture? Then come to Skansen on Sunday December 24th. Per Westerlund (PhD student at EES/ETK) will show you different kinds of farmhouses and other buildings from all around Sweden and tell you more about Swedish culture. Unfortunately the buildings are not open, but we can see the differences between the provinces. We can also have a look at the animals, both wild and domestic.

The visit will start at 11.00 from the main entrance and will at least last until 13.00, when the seals are fed. The entry is free on that day. Bring warm clothes.

Please, sign up here.


Photo: Älvrosgården (AleWi)


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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