Yoga with PhD Student Chapter

Join us for a yoga at KTH-Hallen on Wednesdays every 4th week from 14:00 to 15:00.

Next session will be on August 30.

There are plenty of health benefits with practicing yoga, both for your body and mind! In addition you get to hang out with your PhD chapter friends from your or different institutions, a great way to get new inspiration!

The session will be held by a professional instructor (in English, of course) and you can use the lockers and shower facilities in connection with the session (bring a towel if you want to shower). There will be yoga mats you can borrow during the session. Dress comfortably (like for a work-out). It will be a perfect break during your day and you can start the afternoon with lots of new energy!

When: Wednesday, August 30 14.00-15.00
Where: KTH-Hallen, Brinellvägen 38
Cost: FREE if you are a member of THS/PhD Chapter , 20kr in cash otherwise

You can become a member here. In case don’t find anybody, ask at the counter.

Mark your calendars from 2-3 pm on the following days for the yoga classes:
Week 35,          August,             Wednesday, August 30, 2017,                            Session 7
Week 39,          September,     Wednesday, September 27, 2017,                    Session 8
Week 43,          October,           Wednesday, October 25, 2017,                          Session 9
Week 47,          November,      Wednesday, November 22, 2017,                     Session 10


Hope we’ll see you at yoga! Namaste!



About Taras Kucherenko

I am a PhD student at CSC in Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL). My main research interest is Machine Learning as a tool to make robots behave in a human-like way, including understanding and expressing emotions.
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