Review of the KTH school organization

Andrea de Giorgio (PhD Chapter Chairperson) between Sigbritt Karlsson (KTH President) and Mikael Östling (KTH Deputy President)

The PhD Chapter at KTH is working full time to bring the PhD student perspective on important decisions at the university. The new KTH president Sigbritt Karlsson has announced this week her decision to plan to merge ten KTH schools possibly into five. Other changes are coming, such as reducing the scholarship PhD students and getting more fully employed PhD students (one of Mikael Östling’s goals), or redefining the roles for GA (undergraduate studies coordinator), FA (research and postgraduate studies coordinator) and PA (doctoral program coordinator).

If you want to get involved as PhD representative, write to board [at] and let us know what difference you can make!


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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