Apply for the Student Union Council / Kårfullmäktige (KF)

Do you want the absolute best education and an amazing time here at KTH? The Student Union THS exists to run the students interests, and to be able to do that we need students in the Student Union Council who decides on what our resources are to be used for.

Today there is available spots in the Council at all chapters except from Media, and these are to be filled now! Click the link below and read more about what it means to be a part of the Student Union Council and apply today, THS needs you!

Apply for the Student Union Council (Deadline: September 22nd)

Kårfullmäktige (KF) is the supreme council body in THS. KF decides on topics such as THS budget, plan of operations and opinion body, as well as elects the executive board and nominating committee.

Each member has one vote and the chapters delegates are determined by making the candidate with most votes a regular delegate of the Kårfullmäktige. When all regular delegates are determined the candidate remaining with the most votes are named substitute until there are as many substitutes as regular delegates.

The PhD Chapter has the right to elect 3 delegates and 2 substitutes.


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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