PhD Boot Camp, Fall 2016

PhD Boot Camp

PhD Student rights & fights

Nymble, 20 September kl. 12.00-15.00

As a PhD student, we want you to have an excellent time at KTH where you thrive academically, professionally, and personally. To reach this goal we need to train and work to improve the quality of your PhD program. We want YOU to join the PhD Boot Camp.

The PhD Boot Camp is organized at the start of every semester to give you workshops on the rights of a PhD student and how to represent PhD students at your school, department, or division. If you are not (yet) a PhD representative but you are curious and want to know more about your rights and how to have a great time as a PhD student at KTH, then you too should sign up for the Camp.

At the PhD Boot Camp 20 September you are provided a lunch, presentations and workshops. We will practice the various routines of being a PhD representative such as working with the faculty during meetings, working groups, knowing, and applying the rights of PhD students. You will learn how to produce policy documents for matters of concern to you and fellow PhD students. You will also get to know other PhD students, become part of a network of representatives in PhD school councils and the PhD Chapter board.

Schedule for the PhD Boot Camp on 20 September, kl. 12.00 – 15.00, Nymble, Kröken (map).

PhD Boot Camp Agenda

Sign up for the PhD Boot Camp here! (Deadline 16 September, kl. 12.00)
Note: limited number of seats (but expanded from previous years).

Suit up and see you at the Camp!

Your PhD Chapter at KTH,

For further questions:


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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