PhD Chapter Meeting – October 2nd, 2024


The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the Third Chapter Meeting of the operational year 2024, which will take place on 2nd of October of 2024 at 17:15, at the PhD Chapter Hall “T-Centralen” (Drottning Kristinas väg 29). Here you can find the Summon.

Please fill out  this registration form if would like to attend the meeting. In order to have food, please sign up no later than September 27th, 2024.

All doctoral students are welcome to join the Chapter Meeting, but note that you must be a PhD Chapter Member (that is, a doctoral student and paid member of THS, the KTH Student Union) in order to have voting rights during the meeting.  We will send a reminder email to all registered participants.

Motions to be presented at the Chapter Meeting may be submitted to until 25th of September 2024. The meeting agenda will be posted here at least four working days before the meeting.

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Supervisor of the Year 2023

We are delighted to bring you the result of the 2023 Supervisor of the Year Award! As you probably already know, this is an award that the PhD Chapter of THS launched for the first time in the academic year 2020, in order to highlight exemplary supervision practices in Third Cycle Education at KTH. This year, we had the fourth edition of this award.

Overall, we received 64 nominations. An independent jury of PhD students, in which all five schools were represented, finished evaluating the nominations.
The winner of the 2023 edition of the Supervisor of the year award, is… Martin Monperrus!

Martin Monperrus works in the division of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) at the EECS school and has exemplified tremendous commitment as a supervisor of his doctoral students. He was awarded a diploma and a trophy that had his name inscribed beside the name of the previous winners. This trophy will be passed on from one winner to the next.

Given the large pool of incredible candidates, it was, without a doubt, a difficult task to select just one winner. We would like to stress our gratitude for the outstanding dedication of all nominees for their doctoral students, and, not less importantly, for the students that nominated their supervisors! They are all winners.

Thank you for staying tuned and helping us improve doctoral education!

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PhD Chapter Meeting – May 30th, 2024


The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the Second Chapter Meeting of the operational year 2023/2024, which will take place on 30th of May of 2024 at 17:30, at the PhD Chapter Hall “T-Centralen” (Drottning Kristinas väg 29). Here you can find the Summon.

Please fill out  this registration form if would like to attend the meeting. In order to have food, please sign up no later than May 25th, 2024.

The Chapter Meeting will be focused on the Elections and by-elections of the PhD Chapter Board and Functionaries, and eventual motions that are to be voted.

All doctoral students are welcome to join the Chapter Meeting, but note that you must be a PhD Chapter Member (that is, a doctoral student and paid member of THS, the KTH Student Union) in order to have voting rights during the meeting.  We will send a reminder email to all registered participants.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else to Board or Functionary positions, the nomination form is available here.

For Board positions (for description click here), the following positions have mandate January – December 2024 and are open for Elections:

  • Chairperson
  • Education Manager
  • Webmaster
  • Business Liaison
  • Workgroups Manager

The following positions have mandate January 2024 – December 2024 and are now open for by-elections:

  • Council Coordinator

Moreover, the following PhD Chapter Functionary positions are open for election or by-election:

    • Auditors (2 positions)
    • Master of Ceremonies (1 position)

Motions to be presented at the Chapter Meeting may be submitted to until 26th of May 2024. The meeting agenda will be posted here at least four working days before the meeting.

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PhD Chapter Meeting – March 20th, 2024


The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the Second Chapter Meeting of the operational year 2023/2024, which will take place on 20th of March 2024 at 17:30, at T-Centralen (Drottning Kristinas väg 29). Here you can find the Summon.

Please fill out  this registration form if would like to attend the meeting. In order to have food, please sign up no later than Sunday 17th 2024.

The Chapter Meeting will be focused on the digital elections proceses and the discussion of structural problems that doctoral students have at KTH.

All doctoral students are welcome to join the Chapter Meeting, but note that you must be a PhD Chapter Member (that is, a doctoral student and paid member of THS, the KTH Student Union) in order to have voting rights during the meeting.  We will send a reminder email to all registered participants.

Motions to be presented at the Chapter Meeting may be submitted to until 15th of March 2024. The meeting agenda will be posted here at least four working days before the meeting.

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PhD Chapter Meeting – December 4th, 2023


The PhD Chapter board welcomes the members of the PhD Chapter to the Second Chapter Meeting of the operational year 2023/2024, which will take place on 4th of December 2023 at 17:30, at Room Henrik Eriksson (Lindstedtsvägen 3, 4th floor), or virtually via Zoom ( Here you can find the Summon.

Please fill out  this registration form if would like to attend the meeting. In order to have food, please sign up no later than November 30th 2023.

The Chapter Meeting will be focused on the Elections and by-elections of the PhD Chapter Board and Functionaries.

All doctoral students are welcome to join the Chapter Meeting, but note that you must be a PhD Chapter Member (that is, a doctoral student and paid member of THS, the KTH Student Union) in order to have voting rights during the meeting.  We will send a reminder email to all registered participants.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else to Board or Functionary positions, please fill in this KTH form at the latest 19th of November 2023.

For Board positions (for description click here), the following positions have mandate January – December 2024 and are open for Elections:

  • Vice Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • Council Coordinator
  • Event Manager (upon approval of motion)
  • Communication Manager

The following positions have mandate July 2023 – June 2024 and are now open for by-elections:

  • Business Liaison (upon approval of motion)
  • Workgroup Manager

Moreover, the following PhD Chapter Functionary positions are open for election or by-election:

    • Head of Women’s Doctoral Committee (WOP)
    • Master of Ceremonies (1 position)
    • Nominating Committee (5 positions)
    • Standard Bearers (2 positions)

Motions to be presented at the Chapter Meeting may be submitted to until 30th of November 2023. The meeting agenda will be posted here at least four working days before the meeting.

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